6-7 Sep 2019 LYON (France)

Invited speakers

We are pleased to welcome recognized experts in various topics in physics including fluid turbulence, dynamical systems, biophysics, plasma physics, astrophysics....

All invited speakers confirmed their attendance to a great conference. Exact titles of invited talks will be confirmed soon!


Alain Barrat, Université Aix Marseille & CNRS, France`

From discussing face-to-face to measuring face-to-face interactions

Eberhard Bodenschatz, Max Planck Institut, Germany 

Turbulence Revisited 

Javier Burguete, Universidad de Navarra, Spain 

Instabilities in rotating fluids: 25 years of collaboration

Michael Chertkov, Los Alamos National Laboratory and University of Arizona, Tucson, USA

MELT: MachinE Learning for Turbulence

Francesca Chilla, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France

Von Karman Flows, Turbulent Convection, and more

Luminita Danaila, Université de Rouen & CNRS, France

The effect of external intermittency on the self-similarity of reactive and non-reactive turbulent jet flows

Bérengère Dubrulle, CEA & CNRS, France

Singularities and irreversibility

Gregory Falkovich,Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

Wonders of viscous electronics

Cary Forest, University of Wisconsin Madison, USA

A Laboratory Model for the Parker Spiral and Solar Wind

Rainer Grauer, Bochum Universitat, Germany 

The Fluctuation Determinant in Turbulence

Peter Holdsworth, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France

The 2D-XY (top) model - pour toujours

Patrice Le Gal, Université Aix Marseille & CNRS, France

Fragmentation of particles or fibers aggregates in turbulence

Emmanuel Lévêque, Ecole Centrale de Lyon & CNRS, France

Particle-based simulation of magneto-hydrodynamics

Stefan Luther, Max Planck Institut, Germany

Taming “electrical turbulence” in the heart”

Pablo Mininni, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Particle transport and low dimensional dynamics in stratified turbulence

Paul Manneville,  Laboratoire d'Hydrodynamique de l'Ecole Polytechnique (LadHyX), France

Birth and death of laminar-turbulent patterning in channel flow

Bernhard Mehlig, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Angular dynamics of rods settling in turbulence

Yves Pomeau, Académie des Sciences, France

Finite time localized singularities and intermittency in real turbulence: recording and scaling laws

Yannick Ponty, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur & CNRS, France

Numerical Von Karman flows

Annick Pouquet, NCAR, USA

On empirical laws governing rotating stratified turbulence

Mark Rast, University of Colorado Boulder, USA

 Eddy statistics based transport modeling

Yanick Ricard, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon & CNRS, France


Michael Wilkinson, The Open Université, UK

Runaway Aggregation

Haitao Xu, Tsinghua University, China


Forward cascade in 2D turbulence

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